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From Range To Course Part 1 – Four Lessons To Clutch Play

“How To Stop Choking & Bring Your Best Practice Game Over To The Course”


Comment On This Video Below


153 Responses

  1. Tamas Sandor says:

    It very interesting.

  2. Terry Silverton says:

    Hi Graig Jus t to say every thing you say in the video is so true about the conscious and sub conscious mind how they both affect all in our life I am a Hypnotist/hypnotherapist in the UK and have worked with many problems that affect people including sport mental blocks,
    On a personal basis only started playing golf a few years ago at the ripe old age of 65 so physically not as fit or supple but mentally pretty good (I think) so just go out to enjoy this wonderful game AND approach each shot whether from the tee on the fairway or in the rough with the attitude you describe in the video I look forward to the follow on videos

  3. Joseph says:

    My father once said if you can hit a long drive down the fairway you can do it every time but many times you choose not to. Through the years this made no sense to me. Why would I choose to hit a bad shot?
    After watching this video I understand. I am choosing not to live in the AND world. I can hardly wait to practice this truth, not only my golf game, but in my every day life as well. Thank you Mr. Sigl.

  4. NameSandy says:

    I can shot in the low to middle 8o’s on courses that are just practise rounds but I can’t shoot any lower than 92 on my home course. I believe what you say about stress. I will try to convince myself that the home course is just another practise course and reduce my stress. I will let you know if it works.

  5. Warren says:

    I had never heard it put this way before. My subconscious wants me to quit golf. Can’t see it happening Craig AND I will prevail. I have spent years trying to distract myself from the on-course fear. Some techniques worked temporarily but your suggestions seem to work on the complete elimination of the negative impacts of the tension that sets in halfway into my back-swing.I will let you know.


  6. alan rothbart says:

    great vide. I agree w. your approach. however, I have done your hypnosis tapes, read your ” break 80 book”
    I still tighten up on all swings & especially when hitting over hazzards. I am so tired of golf lessons w. no improvement. Any suggstions please. thanks

  7. Sandy says:

    I can shot in the low to middle 8o’s on courses that are just practise rounds but I can’t shot any lower tha 92 on my home course. I believe what you say about stress. I will try to convince myself that the home course is just another practise course and reduce my stress. I will let you know if it works.

  8. Mark says:

    I like what I heard, and I did see that series with Hank Haney & Charles Barkley. This past week in my golf league, I got my first par and my first birdie. I also did more than I should have with the rest of the holes. I have just shown myself that I can do it. This week, I am going to practice the “AND”. I’ll let you know how that works out. I ended up shooting a 53. My goal is to shoot in the 40s on 9 holes. Thank you for the advice. I’ll let you know what happens.

    Thank you!!!


  9. Chuck Johns says:

    Craig, no bs. This works. When I use your techniques I shoot from 73-78 and when I get mentally lazy I can’t break 80. Thanks for all your help.
    Chuck Johns

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Thanks John, I really appreciate you taking the time to write that and it encourages me to keep pumping out good tips for golfers.

      Greens and fairways,

  10. Mohinder Gill says:

    Thanks, I shall implement these techniques to further improve my golf as I do suffer from such mental problems.

  11. Jim says:

    Well at least there are some graphics but, as with your previous ‘videos’, when you haven’t got to the point after 5 minutes I have to move on to my other emails.

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Jim, Thanks for commenting, I appreciate all comments. It’s your loss. Everything I do is with the intention of teaching to the unconscious mind, maybe that’s the point that you missed in the first 5 minutes…
      greens and fairways,

  12. AD says:

    Today I will try your advice to get my score down. I have broken 80 couple of times. Lets see if I can break 80 today. My tee off is in another 3 hours. I will get back to you with todays performance.

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi AD, Don’t focus on score…focus on your environment and what your senses are taking in, moment by moment. Good scores just happen as a by-product of good thinking and preparation. Good luck!
      Greens and fairways,

  13. john says:

    Last Friday I played at my course which is 18 hole course, I play off 13 but on this one time, I only dropped three shots to par which is 54, came in with a 44 can’t do that all the time? but I should be able to, for I I’ve done it once so it can be repeated, all in that 5inches between the ears? yes.

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi John, Yes! You’ve written my basic philosophy. If you’ve done it once, you have the instructions to do it again. Now…in reality, we know as golfers that it just isn’t always going to happen the way we want to, even if we’ve done it before….but, this philosophy empowers us much more than the typical golfer who thinks the problem is the swing and goes on never-ending chase for swing mechanics which only create frustration, fear and doubt…thereby hindering the swing with tension…keep believing you can do it again…forever.

  14. Derek says:

    Could the ‘and’ be a ‘but’, as in ‘I fear I will drive my ball left into the trees as I always seem to do on this hole but I choose to let my subconscious mind send the ball at the target I have selected’

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Derek, Yes! The first part of your sentence is an acknowledgement of an issue. That’s fine as long as you have the follow-up like you do. The word “But” negates some of what preceded it so in your example, that’s a good thing and the positive intention is the last thing you said and gives the unconscious mind an intention. You are good to go. Thanks for commenting!

  15. Terry says:

    Great stuff here, Craig. Thanks. A guy here in Australia who taught Aaron Baddeley how to putt (Cam Strachan)teaches what he calls “Automatic Golf” and it very much resonates with what you have to say. (Please do not go down the track of doing what another golf psychologist has recently done and endorse some snake oil brain food tablets!!)

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Thanks Terry. Yes, I don’t have a lock on mental tactics and strategy. Just my own particular way of teaching it. RE: snake oil…I know, can you believe it! What a total sellout. No, I won’t do that. That’s almost as bad as pitching those “magical bracelets” that were all the rage a few years ago. Thanks for commenting.
      Greens and fairways,

  16. Kit Lefroy says:

    Very interesting take on what is probably the most significant problem for the majority of golfers. It is true that technique is important. On the other hand I have seen players who’s technique is so bad that it is almost inconceivable that they could hit the ball, let alone make a good shot. Yet, these technical “misfits” are often able to best players who are more or less technically sound. How do they do this? The answer is both simple and complicated. You correctly point out that the most important part of the success formula is in the six inches between the left and right ears.

    Essentially it boils down to knowing what one wants to achieve (be realistic in one’s goal); visualizing the desired outcome; believing that one will achieve that outcome; relaxing and not being overly concerned about the outcome; then executing. Moe Norman, who was unquestionably the greatest ball striker in the history golf, characterized that state of mind as one of focussed indifference. One final thought, too many golfers see only the DON’TS and unfortunately, that DON’T becomes a “DID”. All too often that water hazard becomes the unconscious target with a predictable result.

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Kit! Briliant insights, thanks so much for commenting. You described the big picture perfectly. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Next videos, I’m going to talk about how to work with that unconscious part of us….

      greens and fairways,


  17. Morgana says:

    Hi there

    I’m a ladies European pro golfer and I feel that the mental game is all I’m lacking at the mo. I have alto of expectations and it’s caused a lot of stress and tension in my swing so I can’t perform at the top level. I make silly mistakes and put myself under alot of
    stress. Any ideas except the AND lesson?

    Thank you

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Morgana,

      I have tons of ideas…stay tuned for them. Make sure you get my emails (boxes above the video) and you’ll hear about all of them. That’s a big start that you are at least aware that it’s your expectations causing the problem. More help coming your way…

      greens and fairways,


  18. Frank Baumler says:

    Totally agree with everything you are saying. Discovered this recently from another source and after applying these technigues have lowered my handicap by 5 strokes so far. From 22 to 17 and looking at more improvement. P.S. I am 80 yrs young.

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Thanks Frank!! I really LOVE to hear about such results.

      greens and fairways,


      p.s. I’m in the process of creating a new product specifically for seniors to help them with their game and travel adventures. Stay tuned.

  19. Don says:

    Hi Craig, I am a golf instructor and from teaching thousands of students mental thoughts is a huge problem. Hank kept saying that Charles problem was not mental, well he is wrong. I have taught students with great fundamental that hit to many bad shots on the course. The mental side of the game is very important. I am looking forward to your other videos and would like to get your book.

    Regards and have a great day.

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Thanks Don! Yep, the arrogance of Haney is what makes him look so bad. LIve by the sword, die by the sword!

      Don’t buy anything from me right now…I’m doing a big promotion for my birthday Aug. 3rd with a full packgage of everything I’ve created for the lowest I’ve ever offered. Make sure you get my emails and you’ll hear all about it. Form above the video.

      greens and fairways,


  20. Rick P says:

    Definitely different look at the why than I’ve seen or read before. I play low mid 80’s when just fun but in tourneys 90’s. I will put this to work AND play better shots. I’m just finishing my 7 th year and will be 60 in my 8th yr.

    ? How do we know when you release your next vid

    Thank you for sharing.

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Rick, Thank you! If you can say anything about my work…ITS DIFFERENT! Comes from my years of working with athlete’s mental game and seeing the patterns over and over.

      You can get on my main email list (if you’re not already) by entering info in the boxes above the video. You’ll get everything I do by being on that email newsletter.

      greens and fairways,


  21. Laren says:

    I am going to start the AND work today. Hopefully i can ease my chip yips!


    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Laren, Very good. Remember, you can practice “And” world anywhere, off the course too…and it can become a habit…and change how you respond to emotions and take a huge chunk of fear out of your life and game! The great thing about the mental game is you can practice it anywhere….
      greens and fairways,


  22. Jon Sundstrom says:

    Craig, I liked your description of this concept. I shoot in the high 70’s once or twice per year but feel like I should be there consistently. I would agree that your And concept and process should help me make this more routine. We shall see.

  23. David says:

    I am 64 yrs old Retired and love practicing and playing golf
    I play off 11 although a little frustrated that I am stuck at this level
    I did have a period of playing fun games under 80 a few years ago
    My issue is that I do not feel nervous at all because I enjoy what I am doing
    Is my unconscious mind worrying without my knowing it?
    Your story is mine and many others
    There Are days when I know I will play well – sometimes I do and sometimes I do not
    Our club competition is every Sunday – I get up two hours earlier than when I am not playing
    Every Sunday morning I get a stomach upset!! So I must be worried but I do not feel at all concerned in my conscious mind
    In other competitions my stomach is normal!
    In conclusion how do I influence my unconscious mind?

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi David,
      You don’t have to “feel” nervous in order for there to be tension in your swing and putting stroke. It’s often so subtle as to be unnoticeable. But the fact remains if you aren’t playing on the course like in practice, it’s there. There’s no voodoo or magic…it’s just emotions and you unconscious mind trying to run your body. The stomach upset is so typical. I hear that a lot from athletes. Stay tuned and I will be giving you more complementary training videos.

      greens and fairways,


  24. Albert says:

    Thank you for presenting a very interesting and enlightening lesson. I really appreciate this
    and cannot wait to get to the course and apply the “and”. I will start this “and” right now in my daily life process. I know it will be very effective.
    Wish you the very best.

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Albert, Thanks for commenting! You’re welcome. Can’t wait for you to learn the rest of my techniques. More videos coming. Watch your email inbox.
      greens and fairways,


  25. Jim says:

    Craig, I hit the wall. I know I am a 70’s shooter but when it is was my grasp, I doubled 16, pared 17 and needing a boggie to shoot a 78 I trippled 18. The tee shot was in the water and it went down hill from there. This was the third game of low 80’s in the two weeks, help.

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Jim, Yep, that’s fear all right. Maybe fear of success? I see that issue about 10% of the time. The rest is fear of failure. Could be both. Body tenses up and swing goes to pot. I’ve got more techniques for you in coming videos, watch your inbox or enter email above to follow what I’m teaching. Start with the AND world and we will build from there. Stay tuned. Bottom line, understand it’s emotions and open yourself up to a new way of thinking about the game.
      greens and fairways,


  26. David Springer says:

    Craig, just finished watching your current video from range to course. Properly the most informative video I have seen on this subject. You have given me a new attitude to try on the golf course. I hope it works

  27. Andrew says:

    Along the lines of what you are teaching here about the subconscious mind, one of the things that helped me most was learning that the subconscious mind does not recognize the word “not” even in its contracted form “don’t.” As in there is a lake down the right side of the fairway and I tell myself “don’t hit it in the water” and my brain only hears do hit it in the water, so of course that’s what I do. Now, I say “hit it in the fairway” and my brain registers that pretty well. However, the nervousness still holds sway and triggers the fight or flight (mostly flight) response. I am anxious to translate what you have presented here (the “AND”) in addition to avoiding the “not” word. Thanks so much.

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Andrew, thanks for comment. You are correct, the subconscious has trouble processing negative words. To combat the nervousness, we need a mantra that effectively counters it and make that communication. How about something like…it’s just a game. It’s just a game. AND, then consciously drop your shoulders and breathe in your belly while saying it with intention to go to the subconscious. More techniques coming.

      greens and fairways,


  28. John Reed says:

    I loved your presentation – it was very energetic and positive! I am already a committed ‘true believer’ of the power of the mind, ESPECIALLY the sub-conscious mind, you spoke about.
    MANY years ago (I am a 77-YO), because of very high levels of stress, mainly in my personal life at that time, I needed, and undertook, extensive hypnotherapy counselling from a very good operative – this to enable me to relax so I could, primarily, sleep properly again and, therefore, function effectively again. (I really did need that counselling and, even today, can return to those basics whenever I feel the need – and they are still 100% effective!)
    Therefore, with that said, I am looking forward to your next videos with great interest. Even at this very early stage, because of your dynamic presentation and my all-ready existing belief, I want to absorb all you have to say!
    Thanks and regards … John

  29. NICK says:

    I can´t wait to try out these techniques. It certainly feels as if it makes a whole lot of sense. Thank´s and I´ll come back and comment after.
    All the best

  30. Rick Zienowicz says:

    I have often suspected that I was sabotaging myself and this was leading to a “you need to quit this effing game” mantra. Showing the Charles Barkley scenario was a powerful reminder that this is a mental more than physical roadblock. Thanks for your insights.

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Rick…haha, yep, golfers come to see me right before they quit for those types of reasons. It’s totally mental…and more easily fixable than spending countless hours on the range. In fact, when you really start to buy in…it becomes effortless. More on that coming your way.
      greens and fairways,


  31. KEITH ALDER says:


    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Keith,

      More coming. Whoever sent you here should email you further videos. Or, just enter your email at the top of my website.
      greens and fairways,

  32. Colm says:

    Looking forward to bringing AND into my thought procedure, I can’t wait so starting now and under 80 real soon!

  33. Lisa says:


    The first 5 minutes of this video described me to a “tee” when I practice and get to the first tee. I know how to play golf – my mind gets in the way for sure. Looking forward to learning more from you, freeing my mind to play my best golf yet – and hoping to break 80 soon! Thank you for the laughs and tips!


  34. dennis black says:

    sounds like the book ‘ inner golf ‘ which is a sequel to ‘ inner tennis ‘ a book that helped me rise to higher levels in tennis

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Dennis,
      I read inner golf and many other mental game books. You are correct! I didn’t make all of this up myself. I just teach it my way. Powerful stuff. Stay tuned for more.
      greens and fairways,

  35. HAve been using PPGS technique two yrs & had stroke 18 mos. Ago. When I hit good it’s like heaven & it’s straight as an arrow. I believe the AND theory will grt me back to the 80’s ( my age) I will try it for a while THANK YOU! Dr Frank

  36. Wink says:

    Very interesting. I used to get newsletters videosandbooks from
    Chuck hogan. His premise was Nice Shot…I played good golf in
    Those days..but have lost my way a bit. After watching this video
    I went out and shot a 73. I haven’t broken 80 in 2 yrs.
    Thanks for getting me back on track

  37. Faizool Mohammed says:


    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Faizool,
      Get out there and have some fun with it! Don’t expect miracles but do expect improvement over time as you practice it on and off the course.
      greens and fairways,

  38. jackie keener says:

    Looks interesting

  39. Barry Luff says:

    Hi Craig

    Have been following your links and you come up with some great advise. Love this one as I suffer from the nerves myself so will try it out
    Wondered if you are interested in an agent to support your efforts in the UK?
    The advise and videos transfer relatively easily however a UK mailing address may help to make the commitment to buy any of your services as you offer only offer sales from the US
    I am in sales and marketing myself – please take a look at my website

    Let me know your thoughts



  40. Bob Lloyd says:

    This training of the subconscious makes total sense to me (consciously). I have used trick the subconscious in other situations and cannot wait to try it with the AND. Will let you know how it goes.

  41. Adrian says:

    Hi I play great golf when I play alone but I always feel scrutinized and watched when playing with company. How do you suggest I deal with that?

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Adrian, You are talking about Fear. In particular, fear of emotions (that come from judgement and perception of rejection). Break down fear into what it really is…just chemical releases in the body. Do you fear your own blood? Hormones? Lymph system? There’s no difference. I get into this more in my emotional mastery process. Stay tuned for more on that.
      greens and fairways,


  42. Ray Stone says:

    I beleive this explains my lack of consentraion on the golf course

  43. John S. says:

    Quite interesting indeed. Started playing again after many years of inactivity. Played against a older friend that wasn’t as a heavy hitter as me, but could not seem to catch him in score. His advice was pretty much what you stress…. Just relax AND have fun with it.

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi John, thanks for comment! Yes, make a detailed list of all things you can play the game for besides score…that’s how your scores will drop when you stop focusing on it.
      greens and fairways,


  44. Sandy says:

    I have had a poor mental attitude for two years. My swing is so much better due to lessons,but on the course I tighten up, mainly because I felt so foolish not being able to do well when I’ve been a single handicap and have played over 40 years. There are times I would get mad at myself and say “Just hit like you did when you were 18!” and I would hit the ball better than ever.
    I had a good practice two days ago and thought this would be a good time to try the “AND” method.
    I did AND and shot a 41 on our tough front nine! AND, I will do it again.

    Note: I usually don’t give up on a hole. On this round I didn’t miss a fairway until the last hole. I was in thick rough, and had to punch it out. I was still 150 out on a par 5. I put the ball on the green, but left a 35 ft putt. I have confidence in my putting, so I knew I could get a par, but the darn ball went in the hole for a birdie.

    I am going to use this method AND I am going to watch video 2 now.

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Thanks for commenting Sandy! Very happy you are seeing results!! Fear of “Feeling foolish” can be destroyed with my Emotional Mastery process. That’s coming…
      greens and fairways,


  45. Marv Dibbens says:

    In my teens, I was a very good athlete and performed a level above my peers. I also had a temper problem, which was directly connected to performance or lack thereof. My Grandfather explained to me how my temper/performance connection was all about expectations — expectations set too high. Finally I realized how to perform at a constant high level. Expect a little less, (reduce/eliminate) stress, AND remember: no one can make me angry unless I allow them to do so. You are correct. Great video! Same stuff my Grandfather told me, better presentation! Thanks for the reminder!

  46. Joel says:

    I’m very interested in your approach. Just recently, I’ve been thinking positive thoughts before hitting stressful chips and putts and my last two rounds have been career lows (82 and 80), so I think that you’re onto something here.

    I also feel that this could help in other areas where I allow stress to control me like bowling and weight control.

    Have you offered your services to Charles yet? If he succeeded using your techniques, that would take your program to the highest level.

    Can’t wait to see what’s next.

    70’s here we come!



    • Craig Sigl says:

      Thanks for comment Joel! You are on the right track, keep it going. I think Charles has been offered services from everyone in the golf world and now just likes the attention he gets from talking about his bad game. He does like attention. May be what we call “secondary gains” from his bad swing. In other words, he gets a benefit from it and so his unconscious mind won’t give it up. If you run in to him, tell him that!
      greens and fairways,


  47. OSCAR says:


  48. Nickee says:

    I sometimes get the yips putting. Often times while waiting my turn I will tell myself “there is no reason to miss this put”. I think it helps many times. I am 73 and still learning!!

  49. Peter says:

    Thanks, looking forward to it.

  50. Anthony says:

    Sounds interesting.

  51. steve says:

    I like the concept.

  52. carl hirsch says:

    you have identified or labeled the problem but how to deal with it is still not clear. Would hypnosis help ? But thanks for addressing the issue. I suffered 2 seasons with the yips until a pro gave me a different stroke and a heavy putter > My putting a great now but I have the issue in chipping, etc

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Carl, I do hypnosis as a last resort and it is effective. I love teaching people how to do self hypnosis and to just relax into these concepts and let them sink in on their own. Step 1 is accomplished for you it seems. Have the intention to connect to your unconscious and make the changes necessary and never give up on that….and you WILL make the change.
      Greens and fairways,


  53. Michael Francisco says:


    My son is an accomplished golfer but frequently has a couple bad shots that allow him to not reach his goals more quickly. He is trying to be a tour player and I know this technique will help. I will keep you informed with his progress. He has the skills but the mental game needs improvement. Thanks again and I will keep in touch.


    • Craig Sigl says:

      Thanks for commenting Michael. Yes, this is common all the way through the pro tours and at every level. Hit a bad shot, get disappointed, create tension…hit more bad shots. You’ve got to interrupt the process where it begins. More tools coming your way.
      Greens and fairways,


  54. florence says:

    thanks I am going to use this at my new club and make sure my score goes low

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Florence, don’t TRY to make sure your scores go low. Just let that happen by focusing on what you love about golf while you’re out there.
      Greens and fairways,


  55. paul says:

    Is this where I subscribe? Thanks

  56. Segi Pather says:

    Very, very interesting. The comments you made are so true. What of the rye comments made by your
    playing collegues.This also has an effect on stress and the fear during play.
    actually speak very little during a game to avoid the various comments.

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Segi, I actually like the wry comments I get from my playing buddies when we bet money on our rounds. It’s all how you perceive what they are saying. Charles Barkley used to go out on the basketball floor being introduced and get booed loudly. He wrote that in his mind, it was the best sound in the world because it meant that they knew him and remembered him. It was attention and he actually turned it around in his head that booing meant they like him. We get to choose our thoughts and perceptions. Wry comments can mean that your playing partners are doing you a favor by giving you an opportunity to practice FOCUS. How cool is that? It’s the resistance to things that causes the fear….pretend you can go with the comments for now and you will stop fearing them. At some point, pretending will become your new reality.
      greens and fairways,


  57. Ivan Henry says:

    I am 79 soon to be 80. Until my mid 60’s my handicap was 8 or lower. My current handicap is 14.
    I am really looking forward to applying the AND thoughts to my next few games. Thanks I think it will improve my scores.

    • Craig Sigl says:

      HI Ivan, you’re welcome and thanks for commenting. You can still score low but as the body ages, you’ve got to make a few adjustments. Primarily, you’ve got to get way better with your short game and spend more time there to make up for loss of distance and flexibility if that’s an issue. You CAN do it!
      greens and fairways,


  58. Joe Manning says:

    Thanks Craig. This is a very helpful video. Joe

  59. Rob Meijer says:

    Tanks Craig, helpfull video. I want to try to put these things in my rounds.
    Kind regards,

  60. William Ward says:

    How do I get the books. When I reequest them I get a message that I am already registered. Then I am not directed to the books.

  61. padraig mac lochlainn says:

    Hi Craig, I’ve tried a lot of different ways to cure the yips, got them about 6 yrs ago, used to play to 1 but went up as far as 6 now 5, changes work for a while but then it comes back, almost gave the game up, I was and am stressed out, will work on the AND section and see how that goes, thanks, hoping I can start enjoying the game again, although my fairways & greens is very good it’s the flatstick that’s holding me back. Regards Padraig

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Padraig,

      Yes, have to deal with the stress. Sneak preview: my upcoming training teaches golfers how to do that for golf and life. It’s the core of everything I do to help people. Stand by for that.
      greens and fairways,


  62. Chico Alvarez says:

    I believe that what you have just told me is going to help get my score lower and I’ll feel better about my game Thank You for taking the time to help us saturday morning golfers

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Chico, You go man! This stuff works. Just have to use it. Ask me questions if you have any to help get it going for you.
      greens and fairways,


  63. Glynn Sockett says:

    Hi just wanted to say that what you are teaching is correct. as you know when you think bad thoughts out on the course i.e. lake in front of me don’t want to hit it in and you do. You need the positive thoughts to concentrate on the best outcome
    Look forward to your video’s


  64. NameRandy Miller says:

    I am submitting my e-mail addres below like you suggested.

  65. Monica says:

    Want to thank you for your insight and am trying the and thing.

  66. Randy Miller says:

    I submitted my e-mail like you suggested.

  67. NameNameRandy Miller says:

    I am submitting my e-mail address like you suggested.

  68. Charles says:

    I have seen AND watched allot of videos over the past 5 years AND have never seen any that even brushed the surface of this problem. You are the first AND only instructor, (or whatever), to do this. I can guarantee that I will keep an eye on this site AND the emails that follow so I can get my game back to where I was 25 yrs prior.

    You have setup a new hope in my game AND I WILL break 80, soon I’m thinking.


  69. Gene says:

    I have heard you talk about this before and have forgotten to try it, (senior moment). However I will try it this in my enxt few outings and get back with you in a couple of months. Thanks

  70. Derek Woodward says:

    Hi Craig,
    Many thanks for your video. I am 69 yrs old and in recovery from a stroke and three minor heart procedures. My handicap has gone up from 10 to 21 but I am about to get playing again so I will have alot of gremlins to deal with but I am determined to get my handicap down whilst enjoying the game. I know how important your mental attitude can be so looking forward to your next video.
    Best wishes-Derek

  71. Don says:

    Hi Craig, The true is I think I need this as much as any of my students. I enjoyed the video.


  72. NameTim says:

    Can you fix Charles with some hypnotherapy sessions?

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Hi Tim,

      I believe I could. He has said that he has done hypnotherapy for this issue before but that all he got was a good nap. Clearly, he didn’t work with a pro because that wouldn’t happen with a good hypnotherapist. Honestly, I think he gets something out of having this bad swing and doesn’t want to lose it.
      greens and fairways,


  73. Bob Van Hyfte says:

    Great stuff. Thx, Craig.

  74. Ariff Hess says:

    I have golfed for 30 yrs and played to a low of 8. I was about to give up the game cos I couldn’t putt anymore. I was doing 3 or even 4 putts, averaging 6 times in a round of 9 holes. As a last resort to stay with the game I decided that I do a CHANGE and putted cross handed. It worked. No more yips or the tweak or the sudden jab that I was doing with the tradional grip. To further improve I am now going to include the AND to my game, and to my life.

    Thank you for making me love the game again.

    Ariff Hess

  75. Gordon says:

    Played today at my course where i have been a member for several years and had a dismal first nine
    carded 49 (18 hncp)and on the turn gave some thought to your presentation and video Un believable came home with 39 incuding seven Pars, Cant wait for my next outing.. Thanks Craig

  76. Jamex says:

    I have the same problem, sometines I will par 4 o5r 5 holes in arole; and then follow withe bogeyan and doubles.

  77. GolfDawgg says:

    Leaving right now for the course. With no FEAR. I’m going to “AND” my way around the course against my opponent (which is usually myself). I’ll let you know how it goes.

    • Craig Sigl says:

      Thataway! This stuff really works. You’ll see. How did it go?

      Greens and fairways,

      9 Lake Bellevue Dr. #214
      Bellevue WA 98005 USA

  78. Hans Peter says:


  79. Jim K says:

    Craig, you are so right. I have worked with PGA touring professionals. They say at the pro level, their game is 80% mental. Think positive=play positive.

  80. Rowan E says:

    Thanks Craig , I will give it a crack the weird thing I didn’t think I suffered from anxiety or massive nerves to give me the full swing yips but descriptions I have read say that I do, it’s a hard thing to work through by yourself . Thanks for the tip

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